Stylishly dressed woman in a white coat is smiling

Style Space

Style Space is a personal styling platform that helps you discover and elevate your style with personal guidance from style experts. We offer one-on-one online styling in clothing, hair, makeup, and skincare—including tutorials. Whether you’re leveling up your look for a major milestone or making the most of what you already own, our seasoned style experts can help you create a cohesive, standout look, so you can look, feel, and BE your best, whether in your personal or professional life.

Our Mission

Woman is a red dress in from of colorful clothes hanging on a rack

Style Space is on a mission to empower individuals and organizations through the transformative power of personal style. We believe that when you look and feel your best, you can achieve anything. Our virtual styling services are designed to help you unlock your full potential, whether you're a professional seeking to elevate your career, a veteran transitioning to civilian life, or a company looking to invest in your employees' confidence and success.

Our journey began with a simple idea: to make expert styling accessible to everyone, regardless of location or budget. We've grown into a trusted partner for individuals and businesses alike, providing personalized guidance on everything from clothing and makeup to hair and skincare.

We're passionate about helping people discover their authentic style and express their unique personalities. We believe that confidence is the key to success, and we're committed to empowering our clients to feel their best in every situation.

About the Team

Our founding team hails from Canada, the United States, and the Czech Republic. Each of us brings a unique perspective and background to the table, but we're united by a shared passion for helping people feel confident and empowered through their personal style.

When we started working on Style Space, we envisioned a platform that would make getting ready fun and inspiring again, almost like having a trusted friend to turn to for a style boost. We love what we do, and we're committed to creating a space where people can discover their authentic selves and feel confident in expressing their individual styles.

Whether you're navigating everyday life, aiming for success in the workplace, or transitioning into a new chapter, we're here to help you transform your style and your life. We're honored to be a part of our clients' journeys and are dedicated to helping everyone reach their full potential.

Our Team

Jenny Eversole

Jenny Eversole

Co-Founder / CEO

Jenny Eversole is the Co-Founder and CEO of Style Space. The original idea for Style Space came from her decade of experience running her own fashion label and working with clients, where she learned the importance of personal style in everyday life. A two-time entrepreneur, Jenny's background also includes public relations and marketing for Fortune 500 brands and nonprofits. When Jenny is not working on Style Space, you can find her climbing mountains, reading a book, playing pickleball or enjoying adventures with her family.

John Eversole

John Eversole

Co-Founder / COO

John Eversole is the Co-Founder and COO of Style Space. Prior to Style Space, John worked in software development and marketing for public sector and government clients in the U.S. and Europe. He is also a proud U.S. Army veteran who served overseas. When John is not working on Style Space, he enjoys playing sports, spending time with his family, or listening to a good podcast.

Bogdan Sikora

Bogdan Sikora

Co-Founder / CTO

Bogdan Sikora, Co-Founder and CTO of Style Space, brings over a decade of software engineering expertise to the team. With a background as a software engineer and tech consultant, he's passionate about turning ideas into reality. At Style Space, he spearheads the technical development of innovative personal styling solutions. When not at his desk, you can find him rock climbing or exploring the globe.